November 22, 2023

Our customer INCO started using ChatGPT "Custom GPTs" yesterday

Just yesterday we worked at one of Denmark’s biggest b2b retailers INCO using ChatGPT latest useful gadget “Custom GPTs” in a workshop. Without any specific IT skills, the marketing team established their first own Custom GPT that will help generating texts for their web-shop.

Have you tested Custom GPT - OpenAI's latest feature?

The Custom GPT is simply configured by chatting with ChatGPT about the required functionality like; purpose, tasks to perform, audience to serve, types of input data, output format and the likes. And yes, which INCO text data the model should leverage or learn from! Then all the power you know from ChatGPT and the INCO data, work in tandem. The result is a purpose build and INCO operated chat interface which looks like ChatGPT, but is custom made.

INCO business challenge:

At INCO their business challenge is that they have several thousand products, which on their web-shop has non- or outdated product descriptions. Creating / updating / improving this each product text normally can take up to 30-40 minutes. Now the task is completed in 3 minutes.

Are you ready to save time, resources, cost, frustration, boredom…..?

First, they make sure the Custom GPT understands who they are and how they develop product text for the INCO web-shop. With the GPT app functionality we helped them set up and how to feed the GPT with relevant input on tone of voice the ‘inco-way’. They also feed the GPT with rules for what to do and what not, when developing product text.

The GPT is accessible by all INCO colleagues, but not public. INCO use their current ChatGPT+ license (USD 20/month) and hence the cost is negligible. Engage in AI Innovation Today!
