April 24, 2024

Can we reduce the amount of pseudo work with the help of Generative AI?

In modern organizations, from hospitals to corporate offices, generative AI models like ChatGPT are stepping in as the new supplementary workforce, tackling what’s often named as 'pseudowork'. These are the regular, repetitive tasks that, while necessary, contribute little to the core objectives of a profession. Doctors, meant to focus on life-saving efforts, often find themselves buried in patient documentation and registration. Similarly, in the corporate world, people are inundated with meetings, conference calls, and an endless barrage of emails - activities that are more about maintaining appearances than driving real results.

Enter generative AI like ChatGPT. At ENGAGE Consulting, we would argue that this development can liberate professionals from “pseudo work.” By automating documentation, summarizing meetings, and efficiently managing communications, AI can restore the balance, redirecting our focus to where it's most needed - innovative thinking, strategic planning, and, in the case of healthcare, patient care.

However, this rosy picture is not without its thorns. For one, there's the question of the quality of AI-generated content. While AI can mimic the structure and style of human writing, can it replicate the nuanced understanding and empathy inherent in human interactions, especially in sensitive fields?

Then there’s the issue of skill degradation. Relying on AI for routine tasks might lead to a decline in essential skills. What happens when technology fails? Are we preparing a workforce that's too dependent on AI, unable to perform when it's offline? Not to mention privacy and security. In our experience, these concerns can all be mitigated. The future of lifting people's satisfaction and engagement via AI is not a question of “if” but “how.” How do we deploy AI to enhance our capabilities?

Have you started the process at your company? If not, you may consider giving us at ENGAGE Consulting a call.
